Kindness and Its Benefits
What is kindness?
Join us, as we talk about kindness and its benefits and how you can be kinder to yourself and others.
Human kindness is the foundation of life. Our primary purpose in this life that we have been gifted with, is to love one another through kindness and compassion. Kindness does not cost us anything, yet we gain so much from it, when we give without even realising.
True kindness is the act of giving, without the expectation of something in return. To be kind is to have empathy and compassion, to care for something or someone.

How can I be kind to others?
When we think about kindness we often think of actions. We think of what we can do to be kind. But sometimes the things we cannot see, hold much more meaning than something physical, for instance giving someone a gift. Words can sometimes speak louder than actions, such as saying unkind things in the heat of the moment. So try to be kinder with your words. You may think you’re joking, but often people get affected by the words you choose to speak. Think about how you can be kinder. And of course, being silent and listening to someone may be all that someone desperately needs in order to feel valued and loved. So try being kind with your time and presence!
Random Acts of Kindness
- Buy a homeless person a hot drink or a sandwich.
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
- Volunteer at an animal shelter.
- If you’re in a coffee shop, pay for the person behind you.
- Call a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while.
- Check up on your neighbours and have a chat with them if you sense they don’t have many friends or family members around.
- Run errands for your neighbours especially if they are elderly.
- Surprise someone with a gift, just because.
- Compliment a stranger.

Kindness and its benefits for me...
It makes you happier! When we do something kind for someone else, we feel good. When we are kind to others, it elevates the brain’s feel good chemicals. The levels of dopamine and Oxytocin increase in the brain and so we get a natural high, often referred to as ‘Helper’s High’.
A compassionate attitude allows you to communicate easily with people around you. As a result, you begin to make more genuine friends, since the atmosphere around you is more positive. This then gives you greater inner strength, which allows you to unconsciously concern yourself with others and have empathy for others circumstances and situations- instead of only thinking about ourselves. When you start focusing on others you become less caught up in your own fears and problems. So being kind to others is healthy for your peace of mind too!
And remember, if you are struggling and find yourself being unkind, as humans we should try and help one another and if we can’t help others, the least we can do is not harm another. Whatever goes around comes around. So do good and good will come back around to you.
Kindness really does have so many benefits, we could go on!
How can I be kind to myself?
Being kind to yourself comes through being kind to others, as we know that it is scientifically proven, that it releases certain chemicals to make us better. However sometimes we need to love ourselves first. Only when we are filled with love ourselves, can we then radiate love and compassion to those around us.
So be kind to yourself. Here are a few things you can do:
- Meditate (guided or unguided).
- Listen to some relaxing music.
- Take a walk to get some fresh air and clear your mind as well as taking in the beauty of your surroundings.
- Have a hot bath with essential oils, epsom salts and candles at least once a week.
- Read a book or listen to an audiobook .
- Call a friend or a family member and reminisce over the good times.
- Exercise or practice yoga.
- Volunteering! Yes this is being kind to yourself. Volunteering is very rewarding!
- Eat well but treat yourself every now and again (don’t be too harsh on yourself for eating something you felt you shouldn’t have).
- Dance around like your a child again, every now and again.
- Celebrate small wins, even by doing a little celebratory dance (it triggers feel good chemicals to be released in your brain).
So you see! There are so many benefits to being kind and after all, kindness is free so let’s sprinkle that stuff everywhere!