You are the creator!
You are the captain of your own ship, the pilot of your own plane & the master of your own universe.
Once you come to that realisation, life begins to unfold itself in a completely different and much more synchronised fashion. So often we are on auto pilot and we assume life happens to us, whereas in reality, we are in complete control. However our inner dialogue and the beliefs we have picked up along the way from our parents, our friends, school and even the television would have us believe otherwise.
Enough about that, it’s time to create new beliefs, truly become in control of our life and manifest anything your heart desires! How do we do that, we hear you ask? Below are some suggestions you can implement immediately to start on your journey of conscious creating. The key is to enjoy every second of it!

Be grateful...
So many of us are so hard on ourselves, that we often forget just how lucky we are. We are so lucky to wake up every morning; however we only realise that in dire situations, when we get bad news or when we lose someone close to us. We have to learn to appreciate the little things in life, in order to attract more of them. It is such a simple formula- be grateful for every little thing and just watch how those little things turn into big things that you have always wanted but never thought possible.
Life is a reflection of every thought you have ever thought and every word you have ever uttered, so be kinder with your thoughts and gentler with your words, for they create all that you see around you. Appreciate the life you have, even if it seems hard sometimes!
Find small reasons throughout your day to be grateful, especially first thing in the morning. When you have an attitude of gratitude when you wake up, just that one thought has the potential to completely change your day! Don’t take our word for it – we are firm believers in putting our theory to the test. We are so excited for what is to come to you, if you have never before tried this method.

Don't judge...
As we discussed above, we are the creators of our own universe. So what do you imagine happens when we are judgemental of things or people?
The universe provides us with more things to be judgemental of or in other words unhappy with, as it assumes because we are talking about it or thinking it we must want more of it. You see unlike people, the universe is not judgemental, it does not know what is good or bad, it just executes our commands. The more we focus on something, whether good or bad, the more of it we will see around us.
The more reasons we find to be unhappy, unsatisfied or in other words judgemental, the more evidence we will see in the world of just that. If you want to see more good in the world, focus on the good. However, if you find that you have put yourself in uncomfortable situations, then it’s time to reflect and correct the thought patterns that have put you there.

Smile, it's contagious!
Go on do it, do it now, smile! We know you want to! Ok, we will assume you have now done it and if you haven’t after you’ve read what we have to say, you may just want to do it on your own accord!
Did you know that smiling tricks your brain to believe you are in a good mood even when you are not? Yes, you did read that correctly. Every time you are in a bad mood, just smile. The longer you keep the smile going, the better your mood will become!
We are not making this up, there are studies on this, so feel free to fact check for yourself. If you have a headache, you may decide to take a painkiller, we are simply suggesting if you have a mood ache just SMILE! It’s free and it’s contagious, what have you got to lose?
3 Simple steps...
The above 3 simple steps, have the potential to completely transform your entire life. It is the simplest and most effective way to create a long lasting change and to start seeing immediate results. So why not put what we are saying, to the test? Why not wake up tomorrow and as soon as you open your eyes, look all around you and force yourself to be grateful. You can be grateful for the littlest things, for the slippers you are about to put on your feet to keep you warm, for the breakfast you are about to enjoy, the way that the tea or coffee you are about to have, wakes you up first thing in the morning. You get the idea, start small and work your way up!
This is your life, you have the power to choose what happens in it, you have always known this and it’s time to remember and take full advantage!